2012 LSU Math Contest (1)
1.Two different numbers y and z are roots
of the quadratic equation ax2 + c = 0. Which one of the following is not true in general
A y + z = 0
B y2 + z2 = 0
C y3 + z3 = 0
D y=z = -1
E y ⋅ z < 0
2. All the vertices of a convex quadrilateral ABCD lie on two perpendicular lines. It
follows that
A A circle can be inscribed in the quadrilateral ABCD
B ABCD can
be inscribed in a circle
a square
a rhombus
E None of the above is true
3. The length of the earth’s equator is approximately 40000
km. What is the approximate length of the 600 parallel?
A 20000
B 23500
C 26200
D 30000
E 34000
4. If the greatest common divisor of two natural numbers a and b is 3 and a/b = 0.4, then ab is
A 10
B 18
C 30
D 36
E 90
5. How many different real roots does the polynomial x4 - x3 - x2 + E four
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